Sort Object Array By Date in JavaScript

- 1 minute read

Suppose you have an object array that looks like this:

const events = [
        date: '2021-11-24T01:02:03-07:00',
        id: 0,
        date: '2021-11-25T04:05:06-07:00',
        id: 1,
        date: '2021-11-23T07:08:09-07:00',
        id: 2,

You could then use JavaScript’s built-in array sorting method to sort by the date key, like this:

const sortByDateDescending => (array) => {
    events.sort((a, b) => {
        return -;

The above function can be used simply by calling it and passing in the events array, like this:

sortByDateDescending(events); // Sorts the "events" array by date, in descending order

Here is a variant of the sortByDateDescending function that sorts the array elements by date in ascending order instead:

const sortByDateAscending => (array) => {
    events.sort((a, b) => {
        return -;

Link to this section Conclusion

I hope you found this useful!

And by the way, don’t forget to replace and with the key you use for storing dates in your objects, if it’s different than date.