Set Default Variable Value in JavaScript

- 1 minute read

Did you know that you can set a default variable value in JavaScript?

Here is an example declaration statement, where foo is set to bar if bar is defined, but otherwise set to Default Value:

var bar;

const foo = bar || `Default Value`;

Because bar is undefined in the above example, foo is set to Default Value.

In the above example, a string is used for the default value, but any data type can be used to the right of the || operator.

Here is another way of visualizing how this works:

const foo = undefined || `Default Value`;

If the value to the left of the || operator evaluates to undefined, then the variable is set to the value to the right of the || operator.

But if the value on the left does not evaluate to undefined, then the variable will be set to the value on the left.

Link to this section Conclusion

There are technically a few other ways to go about doing this, but I’ve found this method to be very versatile.

This method also works if the value on the left side of the || operator evaluates to false instead of undefined.